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Friday, February 19, 2010

[haw-info] HAW Notes (including links to recent articles of interest)

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,

Here are some notes, followed by links to recent articles of interest on HAW-related topics.

1.  HAW and the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) are planning a special session, "Remembering Howard Zinn," at the Organization of American Historians convention in Washington, DC in early April.  The session will take place at 5:30 pm on Friday, April 9.  Staughton Lynd, a friend of Howard for nearly fifty years, will speak, and there will be ample opportunity for attendees to share memories and thoughts.

2.  The California Faculty Association (CFA) has called for a state- and nationwide day of action March 4 "to raise awareness about the crisis in public education and the need to fully fund our schools, college, and universities."  The CFA's March 4 web site (http://www.calfac.org/march4.html) has information about events being planned in California and in a number of other states, with contact information.

Links to Recent Articles of Interest

"The U.S. Military's German Fetish"
By William Astore, TomDispatch.com, posted February 18
The author, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, teaches history at the Pennsylvania College of Technology

"'Government in a Box' in Marja"


By Andrew Bacevich, Los Angeles Times, posted February 17
The author teaches history and international relations at Boston University

"Hold Onto Your Underwear: This Is NOT a National Emergency"


By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, posted February 14
On the continuing legacy of 9/11

"The Script Calls for Victory, No Matter What: The Battle for Marjah"
By Patrick Coburn, CounterPunch.org, posted February 11

"Ending the War in Afghanistan"
By Ron Jacobs, CounterPunch.org, posted February 11

"Haiti: A Creditor, Not a Debtor"
By Naomi Klein, The Nation (March 1 issue), posted February 11
Draws heavily on Haitian history

"Preserving the Golden Rule as a Piece of Anti-Nuclear History"


By Lawrence Wittner, History News Network, posted February 8

The author teaches history at SUNY Albany

"Iraq Policy: D"


By Bonnie Bricker and Adil E. Shamoo, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted February 5

The working group for these biweekly collections of recommended articles consists of Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O'Brien, Maia Ramnath, and Sarah Shields.  Suggestions for articles to include can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.

Friday, February 05, 2010

[haw-info] links to recent articles of interest

To members and friends of Historians Against the War,
This is the latest in the series of biweekly mailings that we started in September, linking to recent articles on HAW-relevant topics, either written by historians or written by others but providing historical background.  Suggestions can be sent to jimobrien48@gmail.com.  The working group for this project consists of Matt Bokovoy, Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Jim O'Brien, Maia Ramnath, and Sarah Shields.
"Obama's State of the Union"
By Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus, posted February 3
(on foreign policy aspects of the State of the Union speech)
"Missteps on Afghanistan"
By William R. Polk, History News Network, posted February 1
The author formerly taught history at the University of Chicago and is now working on a book to be entitled Afghanistan: Descent into Unending War
"Afraid of the Dark in Afghanistan"
By Anand Gopal and Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch.com, posted January 28
"Patriotic Anti-Militarism: Remodeling the Antiwar Movement"
By Kevin Zeese, CounterPunch, posted January 26
"Pakistan on the Brink? The Real Threat from Within"
By Adaner Usmani, Against the Current, January-February issue
"Replacing International Oppression with International Aid"
By Lawrence S. Wittner, History News Network, posted January 25
The author teaches history at SUNY Albany (not Vassar College, as was mistakenly stated in our last mailing)
"George Clooney's Haiti -- and Beyond"
by Jesse Lemisch, New Politics web site, posted January 23
The author formerly taught history at John Jay College and, before that, the University of Chicago and SUNY Buffalo
"Securing Disaster in Haiti"
By Peter Hallward, Americas Program web site, posted January 22

Monday, February 01, 2010

[haw-info] HAW Notes

Here are a couple of notes related to Historians Against the War:
1.  A special page has been set up on the HAW web site for members and friends of HAW to share memories of Howard Zinn, the activist historian whose death on January 27 has saddened a great many of us.  The memorials posted so far are at http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/zinn/.  We invite you to add your own memories to this page; send to Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org).
2.  We've extended (to February 9) the deadline for cadidacies for the HAW Steering Committee.  (Currently there are 18 candidates for the 20 slots on the committee.)  To nominate either yourself or somebody else, you can either reply to this message (use "Reply" instead of "Reply to All") or write to either of the current co-chairs, Jim O'Brien (jimobrien48@gmail.com) or Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org).  If you are nominating yourself, please use the following template. 


Institution (if any):


Historical Specialization:

Political Background:

Reason for Running: